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Hey, I'm Sabhya

Welcome to my corner of the internet. I'm an undergraduate Economics student at UCL and heavily invested in financial markets (financially and intellectually).I'm continuously learning new things and this is where I document the process (insights, failures, resources and more).Email me at if you have any questions.

About Me

I'm not going to bore you with my story. The future is much more interesting.
Quick recap:
• Spent 18 years in Europe, and grew fond of Economics, finance and markets.
• Studied Economics at UCL (University College London).
• Now sharing my view of the investing world and the future here.

Here are my goals for 2023:

  • Build a network of finance and investing enthusiasts

  • Start a rolling fund for people who are looking to invest in finance, jewelry and branding companies with me.

My Investing Thesis

You often hear about that one kid who got rich off of crypto. The one that invested in an altcoin and became a millionaire.My investing thesis is long-term. I hold companies because I'm invested in them. I love the companies, I may even be a customer of them and I believe in their long-term vision.I believe this is not just a more reliable thesis but even a financially more successful one. On average, the person who invests in long-term assets will out perform the one who continuously chases "the next big thing".I have a lot in store for you so stay tuned.

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